The Game Called Life

No, I don't mean THAT Life.

No, I don’t mean THAT game.

Game: A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules. (

Looking at this definition, you could almost classify life itself as a game, in its own right.

It is true that life is a competition. People compete over things everyday. All living things, not just humans, compete over resources, mates, and so much more, all to try and survive in this harsh world.

Moving on, while chance is a huge factor in life, it’s not really something you can control. However, skill and endurance are, and though I hate to say it, if you lack either of those things, it’ll be a struggle to survive.

Now for the rules. In our world, those would translate to the laws. One of the ways that reality strays from the “dictionary definition” is the fact that not all people play by the rules.

So that brings me to what I’m going to be writing about today.

Play or be played.

The very phrase makes me cringe.

So let me get this straight; if I want to just sit around and mind my own business, or refuse to “play”, people are just going to manipulate and take advantage of me? As if my faith in humanity hasn’t already been trampled on.

This saying applies more to the business world than anywhere else. From day one, business students are taught that if they want to get anywhere in life, they’re going to have to put themselves before others.

But I don’t believe that.

I think that with enough work and dedication, you can still be successful – even without having to cut someone else’s throat out. (Figuratively, figuratively)

So those are my thoughts. What about yours? Feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!

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